
25 Not So Fun Facts To Not Brighten Your Day

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25 Not So Fun Facts To Not Brighten Your Day | List25
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We've all read lists of fun facts. They brighten your day and make you feel good about yourself. And that's a great thing! Even here on List25, we've done plenty of "fun facts" lists on various topics. Today, however, we thought that we would try something a little bit different. Instead of "fun facts," we're going to do "not so fun facts."

Before continuing though, we'd like to post a mini-disclaimer. Some of these facts may offend the sensibilities of some of our readers. If you are the kind of person who prefers to think of your pet hamster as a cute and cuddly fur ball rather than a child eating cannibal...do not read on. For the rest of you, prepare to have your perspective shifted a little (we weren't joking about the hamster).

As they say, ignorance is bliss. By the end of this list, however, your ignorance will have retreated ever so slightly and possibly your bliss along with it. It's true, the world can be a nasty place, and today we're going to dive into some of that nastiness. So, if you think you're ready, these are 25 Not So Fun Facts To Not Brighten Your Day.

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You can die of Alzheimer's due to your brain forgetting how to swallow, breathe, etc. In fact, when you come back to feed someone and they still have food in their mouth from the last meal, you know it's nearing the end.

The reason South Koreans think that falling asleep with a fan running in the room can kill you is because back in the day, families would report "death by fan" when relatives committed suicide. This was to save face, but it eventually became a superstition.

A girl named Jeanna Giese is the only person in history to survive having rabies without the vaccination.

The reason dogs love their squeaky toys so much is because the sound reminds them of a tiny animal being killed. Remember, they used to be wolves.

In some parts of Australia, nearly 90% of koalas are suffering from chlamydia. Unless a vaccine is developed, the species could go extinct.

Your eye has something called "immune privilege." This basically means that the outside of your eye prevents your immune system from knowing about the inside of your eye. Why? Because if it didn't, your immune system would destroy your eyes.

When Timothy King was abducted, his mother appealed publicly for his return so that she could give him his favorite meal, Kentucky Fried Chicken. His body was found several days later and an autopsy revealed that his last meal had been...Kentucky Fried Chicken.

You are 7 times more likely to kill yourself than get killed by someone else.

Brain aneurysms are known to kill young, perfectly health people in seconds.

Dr. Seuss's wife killed herself because Dr. Seuss was having an affair....while she had cancer.

And more...

Outro Links:
25 Ridiculous Facts That Will Make You A Little Sad About Completely Arbitrary Things: http://bit.ly/29dnCP8
25 Genuinely Funny And Hilarious Facts About Random Silly Things: http://bit.ly/29qLLmo
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