
My #1 Rule To Create Wealth — T. Harv Eker

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Most people who want to create wealth are NOT in the position to do so because they’re breaking Wealth Rule #1. Are you one of them? This is a sneak peek of T. Harv Eker's FREE web class. Register here: https://info.harvekeronline.com/ztm-invite

Most people who want to create wealth are NOT in the position to do so. Why? Because they’re making the critical mistake of trading their time in exchange for money.

If you are on a set salary or on an hourly wage, you are in fact breaking Wealth Rule #1 — which to me, is the most important rule to follow: own your own business!

When you start and own your own business, you aren’t trading your time for money anymore. You no longer have a ceiling on your income.

Now, I’m not saying that you can’t become wealthy in a job, either. Of course, if you are in sales and have no limit on the commission you can make, or you’re a CEO of a large corporation, you can definitely become rich.

But the fact is — most of my students are not in that position. Can you relate?

If so, and you’re interested in creating real wealth in your life, the simplest way for you to get started is to get involved in business now…

Whether you own a business now, looking for new opportunities to create wealth, or looking to start an entirely new business, this free class is going to be a godsend for you!
Reserve your FREE spot here: https://info.harvekeronline.com/ztm-invite

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