
[ENGLISH] | Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century [HD]

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Venezuela and Latin America have had a rocky beginning of the century. In good part due to the rise to power of a charismatic commander, Hugo Chávez.
This Venezuelan soldier ended up writing a very dark chapter in recent history.

Much has been said and published about him. Yet, most of what has been written about his character has had little, or no impact on what the poor believe of him, even after enduring the total disaster his rule has brought to Venezuela and the entire region. His speeches, harsh but simple, eloquent and in complete tune with the masses and always pointing at imaginary enemies, ended up captivating thousands of people around the world.

Commander Chavez painted himself as a redeeming leader, the defender of the poor. One who would end the powerful political mafias and reestablish the country with his sole presence. Once in power, it was a different story. He indiscriminately used the state’s resources to promote himself and stay in power, hounded his political opponents, fomented social discord, expropriated private industry and property, and lead one of the richest countries on earth, to absolute ruin.

The objective of the documentary, Chavismo: the Plague of the 21st century , is to unmask one of the most devastating and damaging political lies in Latin America’s history. We scan through two dramatic decades to analyze the root causes that catapulted Chavez to power. We describe the terrible and criminal ways he used to exercise power, and the response he got from society (especially the student movement), the gradual political fall of the tropical dictator, and the incomprehensible succession of power, by appointing his driver, Nicolás Maduro, as president.

Chavismo, the plague of the 21st century, shows the real legacy of commander Chávez, and how he ruined an entire nation.

Data Sheet

Title: Chavismo: The Plague of the 21st Century.
Sponsored by: Humano y Libre Foundation.
Production Company: LaOrilla Films.
Directed by: Gustavo Tovar Arroyo
Executive Producers: Ana Carlota García y Gustavo Tovar Arroyo.
Produced by: Daniel Benaim, Freya Mendoza, Jairo Blanco, Manuel Pérez Matos, Vladimir Sosnowski.
Country: Mexico, United States.
Locations: Mexico, United States, Chile, Spain, Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela.
Year: 2018.
Run Time: 92 minutes.
Genre: Historical and Political Documentary.
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