
WHO declares coronavirus outbreak 'global health emergency'

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WHO, 신종코로나 비상 선포... "교역, 여행 제한 반대"

More people are dying in China from the new coronavirus.
China's National Health Commission says today,... that now.... 2-hunred-13 have died in China,... and around 97-hundred people are infected.
And the novel virus is spreading worldwide.
There are reports of confirmed cases in more than 20 countries or territories.
Alarming numbers are raising fears of the new virus turning into a pandemic.
And on Thursday, the World Health Organization declared a global public health emergency.
Our Kim Jae-hee has more.
The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak a "Public Health Emergency of International Concern."
The director-general for the WHO said on Thursday during a news conference in Geneva,... that the main reason for the declaration is not because of what is happening in China, but because of what is happening in other countries.
"I'm declaring a public health emergency of international concern over the global outbreak of novel coronavirus. The greatest concern is deportation for the virus to spread to countries with weaker health systems and which are ill prepared to deal with it."
He also stressed that the WHO continues to have confidence in China's capacity to control the epidemic,... and that there's no need at this time for measures that interfere with travel and trade.
The WHO declares international health emergencies for only "extraordinary" events that cause health risks to other countries by spreading internationally,... and potentially require a coordinated international response.
The declaration alerts WHO member countries to step up precautionary measures, such as screening travelers and monitoring international trade.
This is the sixth time such an emergency has been declared by the WHO.
Meanwhile, more cases are being reported in countries all over the world.
The U.S. confirmed on Thursday,... its first incident of human-to-human transmission.
The infected man in his 60s from Chicago is the husband of a woman who had previously traveled to China and was confirmed as having the virus.
This brings the total number of infected U.S. patients to six.
France also reported its sixth case on Thursday.
France was the first country in Europe to have confirmed a coronavirus case.
Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News.

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