
Jon Bernie - You Are What You Need

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To attend an online Satsang, visit https://www.jonbernie.org/satsang/online-satsangs/

Jon Bernie is a contemporary, nondual teacher who offers a compassionate, heart-centered approach to spiritual awakening, providing guidance on re-aligning with the already enlightened state that is our essential nature. He has four decades of practice and study in the Zen, Theravada Buddhist & Advaita traditions. A series of early awakening experiences as a teenager led Jon to ordain as a Zen monk in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, and subsequently to the practice of retreat-based Vipassana (insight meditation) as an early student of mindfulness meditation teacher Jack Kornfield.

Jon’s spiritual trajectory was profoundly altered by meeting Jean Klein, an accomplished teacher of Advaita Vedanta and Kashmiri Yoga, with whom he studied for an extended period. Jon subsequently spent time with H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) and Robert Adams, both direct disciples of Ramana Maharshi. Jon’s spiritual development was also greatly aided by his decades-long relationship with Brother David Steindl-Rast, who, along with Thomas Merton, was one of the first Christian monks to seriously practice in the Zen and Tibetan traditions. Jon was formally asked to teach by Adyashanti in 2002.

In addition to his work as a nondual spiritual teacher, Jon is also an experienced healer and teacher of somatic embodiment, trained in the Alexander Technique, Zero Balancing, and the Qigong system of Dr. Yu Penxi. He works closely with individuals to facilitate consciousness development and deep emotional healing.

Jon offers satsang and meditation retreats in the San Francisco Bay Area and nationally.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jonbernie1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonbernie

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