
The History of Leopard: The Fiercest Pattern in Fashion #vintage #sustainable #haul #gucci #dior

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To Our Subscribers and Viewers,

We thank you for watching our videos on this channel and hope they give you some comfort during this time. We hope you are all safe and wish you and your loved ones well. During this time we will be doing more live streams on instagram (@thewaywewore) to extend the shop with all of its vintage treasures to you all.

Hello The Way We Wore Fans,

Doris explores the history of the wild leopard print, This wild print has been documented as being in fashion since the rule of the pharaohs in Egypt. The beauty of the animal and its majestic nature made the print a style staple, which has been adapted through centuries and frequently used in pop culture.

Be sure to check out our website for more amazing pieces: thewaywewore.com.


Fierce: The History of Leopard Print by: Jo Weldon

Leopard: Fashion's Most Powerful Print by: Hilary Alexander

Leopards are protected under the 1973 act, which protects the animals from poaching, still they are sadly hunted. If you'd like to learn more about these animal, checkout the following link:
https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/amur-leopardFor more information about the Doris Day

Follow us on Instagram at @thewaywewore for more photos, videos, and content surrounding the shop.

Also if you are looking to purchase items from the store check out our website: thewaywewore.com

You can also find many of our amazing pieces on Instagram @thewaywewore.
If you have any questions about the items featured in our videos send an email to thewaywewore@sbcglobal.net

Starring: Doris Raymond ( Owner of The Way We Wore)
Directors/Producers/Editors: Orchid Satellite and Michael Amato
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