
20 Amazing Facts It’s Hard to Believe Are True

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How to Broaden Your Horizons. If you want to constantly develop and impress your friends and colleagues with your knowledge, don’t stop learning. The Internet makes it possible for us to find out new and amazing facts every day. In this video, you'll find a collection of facts about the Earth and humans that will surely manage to blow your mind.

Dolphins get high on pufferfish. 0:35
The Internet speed at NASA is 91 gigabits per second. 1:11
Japan changed its flag in 1999. 1:35
J.K.Rowling’s generosity got her kicked off Forbes’ list of billionaires. 2:09
In East Asia, personal stamps are used like signatures. 2:43
Being struck by lightning leaves a person temporarily “tattooed”. 3:21
A fetus can use its own stem cells to heal its mother's heart. 3:54
The Philippines is home to “island-ception”. 4:20
Steve Job's made the impossible possible. 4:54
Life would be very different for humans if we had eagle vision. 5:40
The record for the longest uninterrupted stay in space is over a year. 6:13
There are no McDonald's restaurants in Iceland. 6:40
One guy went from fit to overweight to fit again in just a year. 7:19
Australia's first police force was formed from convicts. 7:55
Germany counts its trees. 8:32
The loneliest creature on Earth is a whale. 8:58
Earthquakes make our days shorter. 9:24
The longest concert ever will last for 639 years. 9:57
There is such a thing as laughter epidemics. 10:38
People have died from dancing. 11:04

Music: Across_The_Room

-Dolphins have learned to take advantage of pufferfish narcotic effect.
-NASA Internet is so fast you’d be able to download all the episodes of all of your favorite series in a split second.
-In 1999, Japan decided to shift the circle on the flag ever so slightly towards the center.
-Rowling donated about $160 million to different charity organizations and got kicked out of Forbes’ list of billionaires.
-In China, Japan, and Korea people use special rubber stamps designating their names.
-Lightning "tattoos" occur on any surface or material damaged by high voltage.
-A fetus will promote its own survival by protecting its mother's heart.
-You can see an island within a lake on an island within a lake on an island in the Philippines.
-To prove the iPod could be smaller, even though it seemed impossible, Steve Jobs simply dropped it in a fish tank.
-With eyes on the sides of your head, you’d be able to have a 340-degree visual field.
-Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov spent 437 days and 18 hours aboard the Mir space station from January 8, 1994 to March 22, 1995.
-The last McDonald's in Iceland closed its doors in 2009.
-American fitness coach Drew Manning gained 66 pounds in 6 months eating junk food and then went back to normal in another 6 months.
-When the first police force was formed in Australia in 1788, it consisted entirely of the most well-behaved convicts.
-Specialists in Germany count trees and collect data on their age, condition, and so on.
-The most lonesome creature on the planet is a whale that lives in the North Pacific Ocean.
-Extremely powerful earthquakes shorten the day on our planet.
-The longest concert ever started in Germany on September 5, 2001 and is planned to end in 2640.
-At least one epidemic of uncontrollable laughter broke out in 1962 in Tanzania.
-In 1518, Strasbourg was affected by a bout of inexplicable dancing that cause some people to die from exhaustion.

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