
failed business, financial debt, no job and no money - but this is a video about Success

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Download in HD failed business, financial debt, no job and no money - but this is a video about Success

failed business, financial debt, no job and no money - but this is a video about Success

All my efforts were resulting in failures - This is a story of how I made my luck work for me

I failed 11 times in my career. Not giving up is an art and I mastered it.

9 painful failures which shaped my life

Stop overthinking and live your life!

I was in financial hardship - but this one decision changed my entire life

I overcame my struggle of speaking in English, you can too

"I'm unemployed - really stressed, I don't know what to do" - Listen to what I did

I was a severe anxiety patient and could have slipped into depression (How I dealt with it)

"I feel lost in life, how can I do better and change things in my favour?" - This is what I had done

You feel at your Age you haven't achieved what you should have - I have felt that way, it hurts

Don’t lose hope if you are struggling right now

6 Signs you're doing Good in Life

I learnt this EXCELLENT technique to overcome Fear of Speaking in English

My life was fine but I wasn't happy ... this is what I realised and it changed everything

No successful person would have been a star had they made this mistake

"My mind goes blank when I try to speak English" - Here are my tips to fix this

Cure your blank mind in English: My advice for fluent speaking

ALEENA RAIS: Early life, Personal life, Jobs, CA, Loan, Car, Apartment, Network Marketing...

The one thing I do to handle my stress and anxiety

Smartest technique to be successful in life (do watch the last 2 mins!)

How to start anything new - Spending lots of money in the start of a new work is not the solution

"I want to speak English but words don't come to mind" Do these 2 practical things

"I want to quit my suffocating job and start a business" - I did it 4 Years ago, let me tell you how

Meet Aleena Rais | Speak English With Confidence | Episode 40

"I don't like simple English and that's why I'm not improving - what can I do?"

Build Powerful Habits; Change your life: OLD Topic but NEW Approach!

"I don't feel confident in public" - My simple tips

"Words not coming to mind when speaking English" and 4 other common problems (and my solutions)

A Magic English Sentence

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