
Guided Meditation: How to Access Altered States of Mind | Vishen

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Vishen explains altered states of consciousness before guiding you to access them through a deep meditation exercise from The Silva Ultramind System.

The Silva Ultramind System is a 28-day online program hosted by Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani. In just 20 easy minutes a day, you’re guided through the four primary states of consciousness the human mind operates in - and how to use each one to perform, evolve, and live at your peak. It's available with Mindvalley Membership. Visit this link to get started: https://go.mindvalley.com/8fCi81Kl

It is based on The Silva Method: a pioneering mind empowerment methodology founded in 1960 by Texan radio engineer Jose Silva, with over 6+ million students in 110 countries.

As you progress, you start channeling your inner powers in often-surprising ways. For instance, your intuition and creativity will flourish. Ingenious solutions and a-ha moments will rush into your mind. You’ll even feel greater outpourings of confidence and love for yourself.

By the end of the program, you’ll have total mastery of your mind’s full scope of abilities - and in turn, a clear path towards your fullest human potential.

If you want to test the waters and try it out for yourself, take Vishen's introductory lesson for FREE: https://go.mindvalley.com/7CD_6Fct

#growthmindset #AlteredStates #guidedmeditation

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