
Adeptus & friends #4 - with neuroscientist Dr James Cooke

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Dr James Cooke is a neuroscientist who researches consciousness, perception and mental well-being. Further to all of this he does not shy away from exploring the spiritual aspects of the human experience through altered states such as psychedelics and mediation.

In this conversation we talk about a wide range of subjects from nature of consciousness, DMT entities, the healing power of psychedelics, and much more.

This is a conversation I was looking forward to for a long time as I am a big fan of James's YouTube channel which you can find here - https://www.youtube.com/drjamescooke

Ayahuasca sends neuroscientist to DMT world | Dr. James Cooke [trip report]

The effect of DMT on consciousness: Just a hallucination? | Dr. James Cooke

AMA: Communication with mushroom intelligence & DMT experiences on psilocybin, suffering & healing

DMT: the spirit molecule with Rick Strassman | Living Mirrors #40

AMA: 5-MeO-DMT & nonduality, can trauma be fully healed? & is infant experience like tripping?

AMA: My psychedelic healing, trip sitting advice, the neuroscience of dreaming & cannabis paranoia

Global psychedelic culture & ayahuasca with Bia Labate | Living Mirrors #62

AMA: The therapeutic potential of different psychedelics, memory, surrender, grief & reincarnation

Ex-police officer on his psychedelic therapy and the psychology of policing | Living Mirrors #13

Mechanisms of psychedelic therapy with Dr. Rosalind Watts | Living Mirrors #102

Psychedelics and nature connection with Sam Gandy | Living Mirrors #83

Microdosing and DMT for a better world? Discussing Anarchism and Consciousness with a Neuroscientist

Adeptus & friends #4 - with neuroscientist Dr James Cooke

James Cooke - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

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