
Caesar in Spain: part two - Turning the tide

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The second part of Caesar in Spain series, describing the events from june and july 49 BC near the city of Ilerda, Hispania.

Unexpected weather events place Caesar in a strategic disadvantage against the pompeian forces. Eventually, Caesar finds a way to cross the Sicoris with his legions, turning the odds of the campaign in his favor.

Music made with Filmstro
Narrator: Christian H. Miles ( https://twitter.com/christianhmiles )

Caesar against Pompey - Great Roman Civil War DOCUMENTARY

Caesar's Civil War: The War Begins 49BC DOCUMENTARY

How Caesar Won the Great Roman Civil War - Animated DOCUMENTARY

Caesar's Civil War ⚔️ (ALL PARTS 1 - 5) ⚔️ FULL DOCUMENTARY

Thapsus 46 BC - Caesar's Most Complicated Campaign - Roman DOCUMENTARY

Caesar in Spain: part two - Turning the tide

Caesar in Spain: part three - A victory without a battle

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