
Fat loss & muscle gain time lapse: 5 years of diet experiments

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My results from 5 years of experimenting with various diets and training.
To get my calculate your calorie recommendations based on this experience for free, click here: https://propanefitness.com/calculator/

2007: 59kg bodyweight, started training
2008-2009: Bulked to 90kg. Fat.
2009: Cut to 75kg
2010-2012: Moved up and down between 78-86kg
Oct 2013- May 2014: Cut from 82kg to 74kg with coaching from Eric Helms from 3DMJ. Big thanks to him for being the voice of reason and always bringing us back to the fundamentals!

Lifts from 2008 -- 2014:
Deadlift: 130kg -- 232.5kg
Bench: 85kg --140kg
Squat: 100kg --185kg

Questions welcome, answered in the comments below!

Obviously there is more to it than calories and progressive overload, but at the extreme, the whole process can truly be boiled down to those two variables and you would still see results. Optimisation of other factors is a distant second priority.
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