
Breaking Barriers: gender, street art and the impact of creativity | Stephanie Rond | TEDxColumbus

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Stephanie Rond’s work blurs the line between outdoor and indoor space and, by association, whether those spaces have male or female identities. She challenges traditional gender roles and the accessibility of art through evocative explorations of street art and her unique art gallery.

Stephanie Rond is a Columbus, Ohio based street artist whose colorful and feminist work can be seen on walls around the city, both inside and out. Stephanie attended Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The Ohio State University. The Columbus Dispatch and Columbus Alive newspapers tapped her 97 piece solo show, titled Dangerous Impermanence, on their coveted list of Best Art Exhibits of 2014.She is co-founder of Creative Arts of Women (CAW), founder of the website Women Street Artists and owns several galleries. An award-winning documentary has been created about her work. The film, Tiny Out Loud, studies Rond’s gender-gouging street art and dollhouse art galleries.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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