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US President Donald Trump has conveyed US concerns over escalating violence in Syria’s Afrin province during his telephone talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
The mention about risking “conflict between Turkish and American forces” in the statement released by White House. White House has urged Turkey to deescalate, limit its military actions, and avoid civilian casualties. And it is announced that Trump had urged Turkey to exercise caution and to avoid any actions that might risk conflict between Turkish and American forces.

President Trump also expressed concern about the destructive and false rhetoric coming from Turkey, and about United States citizens and local employees detained under the prolonged State of Emergency in Turkey.

Turkish official sources have denied the White House readout released after President Erdoğan and Trump’s phone call, saying that the text does not reflect the true nature of the phone call. It is claimed Trump did not express concern over so-called escalating violence as a result of Turkey’s anti-terror operation in Afrin and the state of emergency in Turkey was also not mentioned during the call. It is claimed Erdoğan has also reiterated Ankara’s request from Washington to stop providing arms to the YPG terrorists in Syria.
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