
Few Changes on Roman Rings for the Code of 2022

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As gymnastics is getting upgraded so is the code of points. FIG is not leaving any spare chances for the gymnasts to not get surprised.

In this video we have tried to explain the major changes given below.
Azarian Maltese = E (Not F); Azarian Planche = E (no change)
Removed Li Ning elements
Removed Pineda elements
Felge and Backuprise to straddle planche changed from C to B.
Straddle Planche changed from B to A.
L-cross press to inverted cross = D; Cross (no L) press to inverted cross = E
Removed L-cross press to Maltese. Cross press to Maltese remains an E
Felge & backuprise to inverted cross = E (Not D)
Dismount, salto forward with ½ turn changed from B to A.
Dismount, salto forward with 1/1 twist changed from C to B.
Dismount, salto backward with ½ twist changed from B to A.
Mandatory 10 cm mat on top of the basic 20 cm landing mat
If a gymnast performs honma to cross, but the entry position is above 45 degrees will receive a 0.5 deduction and will receive B value for the cross if the performance criteria for the cross is fulfilled. This applies to other elements as well.
When performing a press from one hold position to another hold position the expectation is to see a distinct movement of the body (more than a body width). If the press does not commence from a perfect position the element will be subject to execution deductions. If there is a minimal body movement only the final hold element will be recognised. Example: Hanging scale rearwards press to swallow.
Slow roll type elements i.e. Azarian, must be performed with a consistently slow roll and with a straight body throughout. Any variation will lead to E jury deductions and potentially non-recognition.
New deduction: Touching or support of arms against body during swallow: 0.1 or 0.3
Apparatus: No longer a provision to raise the rings for tall gymnasts.

GYmnasts in the video - Chen yibing, Jordan Jotchev, arthur zanetti, yuri chechi.
gold medallists on rings apparatus in their contemporary times.

Track: Soulful — Dave Osorio [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/r5s4ifpLVo8
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/soul_ful
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