
McDonald's McRib is Back!!! November 2016 [Unboxing 4K UHD ASMR Eating Sounds]

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McDonald's McRib is Back!!! November 2016 [Unboxing 4K UHD ASMR Eating Sounds]

Hello everybody,

Featured in this video, is the long-awaited return of the infamous McRib BBQ pork sandwich from McDonald’s.

Every late-fall and winter, I am sure that many of as (as well as myself) anticipate the return of McDonald’s McRib sandwich. Last year, 2015, was disappointing because it was reported that more than 45% of McDonald’s restaurants in the US “opted out” of offering the McRib at their local branch; and, even worse, there were rumors that McDonald’s wanted to discontinue the McRib altogether (idk how true this was).

This “McRib opt-out” was even more felt on the west-coast, especially California, where there were only 1-2 McDonald’s that served and offered the McRib in the fall/winter of 2015 last year. The closest McDonald’s to my location that served the McRib last year, iirc, was 300 and 600 miles away (one in some rural part of central California and the other in a completely different state, I think it was Colorado). So, last year, I wasn’t fortunate enough to eat the McRib. [I use the McRib Locator website to search for viable locations. I read there’s a nifty new McRib Locator App too]

Fast-forward one year later, to the present, and I recently found out that McDonald’s and all of their branches are pushing their McRib again. I’d guess and assume they’ve most likely received a slurry of complaints as to why the McRib wasn’t available at their local McDonald's any longer and also received countless requests to bring the McRib back. Who wouldn’t be upset?

So, here it is. I bought 2 of them and a small order of french fries. It’s the same as it always was - messy, sloppy, sticky, savory, smokey, sweet, tangy, satisfying, etc., etc. The pork meat patty has a similar texture to a firm meat-loaf or a meatball or a pork-roll. It’s lab engineered to be delicious for humans of the 21st century. And, it does just that - satisfies. The super thick sauce, the crisp onions, the tart pickles and the griddle toasted buns all compliment each other very well, as it was designed to. This meal consisting of 2 McRib sandwiches and french fries definitely hit the spot.

Thanks for watching.

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Camera used for this video (with affiliate links for purchase):
Sony A6300
eBay: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&toolid=11800&pub=5575244856&campid=5337989659&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_from%3DR40%26_sacat%3D0%26_sop%3D15%26_nkw%3Dsony%2Ba6300%26rt%3Dnc%26LH_BIN%3D1
Sony 35mm f/1.8 OSS lens
eBay: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&toolid=11800&pub=5575244856&campid=5337989659&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_odkw%3Dsony%2Bsel35f18%2Blens%26_sop%3D15%26LH_BIN%3D1%26_osacat%3D3323%26_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp2045573.m570.l1313.TR4.TRC3.A0.H0.Xsony%2Bsel35f18.TRS1%26_nkw%3Dsony%2Bsel35f18%26_sacat%3D3323
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