
Huggy Kissy 💋| Leslie Patricelli | Children’s books read aloud | children stories | animated story

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Meet Gaby and her dog Simba. Gaby reads to you this great book named Huggy Kissy by Leslie Patricelli. If you would like to have Gaby read to you again, please hit the like button. Thank you

Oh, baby! Leslie Patricelli’s one-haired wonder returns to share the love.

When you’re an adorable bald baby, your family finds lots of ways to show you how much they love you: Mommy lifts you uppy, Daddy kisses you on the tummy, and everyone wants to snuggle. What’s not to love? With comedy and warmth, Leslie Patricelli offers a universal tribute to love and affection in a board book full of instant appeal for little valentines everywhere.

Buy this book on Amazon:

Here in this YouTube channel “simicrane” we believe in the power of reading and education for the young minds.

We believe in making something wonderful and put it out there for everyone to see.

We never get to meet our viewers but somehow in the act of making something with a great deal of care and love... something is transmitted there. This is a way of expressing ourselves to our viewers our deep appreciation.

We need to be true to who we are and remember what is important to us. Putting great children’s videos is our passion. This is what is going to keep simicrane, simicrane. Thank you.

Top Ten Reasons to Read to Your Child
1. When you hold them and give them this attention, they know you love them.
2. Reading to your children will encourage them to become readers.
3. Your child will be more successful in school.
4. Children’s book illustrations are often marvelous, encouraging a life-long interest in art.
5. Books are a way of passing good values and beliefs on to our children.
6. Until they learn to read themselves, they will think you are magic!
7. Every teacher your children ever encounter will thank and bless you.
8. Children’s books today are so good that they’re fun foradults too.
9. You give and receive a gift of comfort, relaxation and closeness.
10. If you read to your kids, maybe afterward they’ll even let you read in peace.

5 Ways to Get Your Child to Read
1. Let your child see you read.
2. Make reading for pleasure part of your daily routine.
3. Make books available to your child.
4. Talk about books with your child.
5. Take your child to the public library on a regular basis.

Read to your child every day and when you can’t let them watch YouTube Channel “simicrane.”
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