
Why CD Projekt Red deserve our respect for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Why CD Projekt Red deserve our respect for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

I just wanted to give a quick word of praise to CD Projekt Red the developers of The Witcher series. Now, The Witcher 3 is about to be released world wide, but a few people have been able to buy the game already and one person who did just that tweeted out this picture which I presume comes from the in game manual. I won’t read it all, but basically it starts with a message telling the gamer how much they appreciate them, and then goes into saying “At CD Projekt Red, we believe that when you buy our games, you’re entitled to continuous, free support - updates, patches and bits of new and amazing content. We owe you that for believing in us and purchasing our game. To thank you, we have prepared something really special - 16 DLCs for you to download, totally free of charge, regardless of the platform or edition of the game you own”

If you’ve been buying games for as long as me you’ll know how amazingly refreshing that sounds in this day and age. This is a time when developers and publishers chop their games up into little bits and sell them too us in the form of season passes and special editions. This is a time when, for some games, there will be portions you can’t play because those portions are only available on a platform you don’t own thanks to some kind of exclusivity deal.
I mean, just take a look at Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, they’ve just announced 4 different special editions, each with different contents including one hour long mission that you’ll only be able to play if you put down a preorder. Now I don’t want to single out Ubisoft, they are one of the worst offenders for this kind of stuff for sure, but pretty much every AAA game has a season pass nowadays, let alone optional micro transactions and all the rest.

So what i’m basically saying is, that it’s nice to see a developer not try to milk their fan base for as many pennies as possible and its nice to see a developer that doesn’t make their biggest fans pay the highest price, by holding sections of the game to ransom in more expensive collectors editions.

Why should we give CD Projekt Red our respect? Because they gave us their respect, and it’s pretty depressing to say this, but that really doesn’t happen much any more. Fair play, CD Project Red, I wish you great success with your game.

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Illustrations by Phillip Murphy

Music by Majic Palmer

Music by Straina

Music by Senior Gravy http://www.youtube.com/user/MrSeniorGravy?feature=mhum

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