
2020 World Championship of Public Speaking Sponsor, World Champ, Darren LaCroix

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Stage Time University us happy to sponsor the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking 2020. We are a Gold Sponsor. This is a the craziest year in the history of the Speech Contest. Besides the contest not happening dues to the war decades ago, this will be the first time event it will be 100% virtual. With over 51,000 registered attendees it may be the most watched contest in the history of the speech contest.

Hi, I'm Darren LaCroix and thanks to my coach Mark Brown, a supportive District and hard work I was fortunate to become the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking. There was much praying too! I wanted to give up three times, but God kept me going... now, along with my team of world-class coaches we help good presenters become UNFORGETTABLE.

Most presenters want to be world-class, but they are stuck and don’t get the feedback they need to get there. Stage Time University will get you unstuck and on the fast-track to World-Class.

What’s my story?

He felt invisible in high school.
He failed as a business owner.
He worked in a cubicle for over a decade.
Today he's a world champion speaker.
What made the difference for him can make the difference for you.

Now, along with his coach, World Champion, Mark Brown,
they show Good Presenters how to become UNFORGETTABLE.

There are 2 Critical Essentials Speaker Need to be World-Class

#1 A Proven, World-Class Process to Follow

#2 Feedback from World-Class Coaches

You’ll get both. Join us.


We also show experienced presenters little known, world-class techniques to the unforgettable presenter everyone is talking about in the hallway.

World-Class Public Speaking workshops lead by World Champion Speakers.
World Champion Speaker, Darren LaCroix.

Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, 2001 Winner, Darren LaCroix. 2001 was considered by many one of the most competitive years of the speech contest. This is becomes even more interesting when you know his story of how he bombed miserably in a Boston comedy club just nine years prior. He was the least likely to be on stage making people laugh.

No one ever told him, “You are funny. You should be a comedian.”

Darren’s World Championship speech is one the funniest, most talked about speeches in the history of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking Since 1938. This World Championship Speech, "OUCH!" is also one of the most widely studied by speech contestants. Watch for yourself and see!

Got motivation? Out of all his motivational speeches, this one won the World Championship of public speaking.

Ever seen a Toastmasters International speech Contest winner? How about a winning speech that is improved? Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking, Darren LaCroix was invited to give his winning speech at the National Speaker Association a year after he won. This is the speech he presented on the main stage at NSA. Darren mailed his winning speech to many of the best coaches to get feedback on how to make it even better. A world-class speech is not written, it is rewritten. Enjoy!

Get Darren's speaking secrets on his website: http://www.DarrenLaCroix


Other resources and links:

Want a public speaking career? Would you like to be a professional speaker? Get Darren's insights from over 16 years in the public speaking business. Are you looking for a public speaking course? World Champion Speaker, Darren LaCroix's tips and techniques are better than any public speaking class you could take. Enjoy!

Follow Darren LaCroix, Toastmasters World Champion:
Instagram – darren.lacroix
Facebook -
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/darrenlacroix
Linked in - http://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenlacroix

2020 World Championship of Public Speaking Sponsor, World Champ, Darren LaCroix

Toastmasters International 2020 World Championship of Public Speaking®

2020 Toastmasters International Semifinals Contest 1

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