
Using a Surrogate Mother: What You Need to Know

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Using a Surrogate Mother: What You Need to Know.

There are two varieties:

Typical surrogate. The father's sperm is used to artificially inseminate a lady. They will then carry and deliver the baby for you and your spouse to raise.
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The biological mother of the baby is a conventional surrogate. This is because their egg was fertilized by the father's sperm. Donor sperm is also an option.
Surrogates during pregnancy. In vitro fertilization (IVF) currently allows for the collection of eggs from the mother (or an egg donor), fertilization with sperm from the father, and placement of the embryo into the uterus of a gestational surrogate.

The baby is then carried by the surrogate until delivery. Because their egg was not utilized, they have no genetic links to the kid.

What is Surrogacy? The Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 2019, Laws in India? | UPSC GS Current Affairs

What is Surrogacy in Hindi | Types of Surrogacy in Hindi | Surrogacy in India in Hindi | ICMR

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