
What is Emotional Abuse?? (The ONE Test You Need to Take NOW)

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Words hurt and can have a massive effect on our well being, especially in romantic relationships. SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2JYWxgU
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You may be in a relationship where the guy says awful things to you or even calls you names. But rather than continue to pretend that the words he spouts angrily at you don’t hurt, the way you were taught as a child with that nursery rhyme, I’m here to open your eyes to the danger of emotional abuse and help you get out of a toxic relationship.

P.S. Dealing with emotional abuse may put a dent in your self-confidence. That's normal. Get back on track with my 21 Days to Sexy Confidence program, and in just 3 weeks, you'll remember what a gem you are: https://secret.sexyconfidence.com/21days/

Verbal abuse, dominating behavior, control, isolation, ridicule, or the use of intimate knowledge for intimidation all are part of emotional abuse.

An abuser deliberately messes with the emotional and psychological well-being of the victim. Often, sadly, emotional abuse is a precursor to physical abuse. And I think we can all agree that if a man ever lays a hand on you, that is a dealbreaker. Just don't wait around to find out if he's the type to get physically violent, okay?

In a nutshell, emotional abuse happens when your partner consistently tries to bring you down. He has no interest in you being happy. He feels fulfilled when you are a crumbling wreck who relies on him.

The problem with emotional abusers (just like physical abusers) is that once you figure out what’s going on and talk about leaving, your abuser will suddenly become apologetic and beg you to stay. He'll become super romantic and try to be everything you always want him to be to keep you from leaving him.

He may frighten you out of leaving, telling you that no one else will want you. That only he will put up with your issues. He may use money as a means to keep you with him, saying you can't afford to move out of the home you share.

So you stay because he promises he won't do it again. You want to believe him because you've already invested so much time and energy into this relationship, so you figure if he's willing to change, you should give it another chance. The problem is: he really has no intention of changing. Things will be good for a few weeks, but then he'll be back to his old tricks again, and you're stuck in the cycle.

You might even try to justify his behavior as a way to make your brain think it's okay to stay. But while you can trick your brain, you can't trick your heart. Your heart knows you're not allowing yourself to be happy by staying in this stressful relationship.

Moving forward I want you to remember this tagline:

There’s no excuse for emotional abuse.

Now that we've answered the question, "what is emotional abuse," let's get down to business on getting out of an abusive relationship and why you should.

Once you're ready to walk away from this emotionally abusive relationship once and for all, be prepared for his wrath. Up until now, he has felt like he was successfully controlling you. He will not be happy to learn that you have a mind of your own and are unwilling to continue to be treated the way he's been treating you. Hopefully, he'll just leave you alone, but if he turns physically violent or stalks you, please contact the police or contact the domestic violence hotline.

So let me hear your "NO EXCUSE!" in the comments below, and if you've been emotionally abused or want advice from the Sexy Confidence community on your current situation, please share it. We're here to support one another.

In part 2 of this article, I give you 8 early warning signs that will help you immediately spot an emotional abuser before you've gone too far in a relationship with him. But to get access to it, you have to be a Sexy Confidence member. Join the Sexy Confidence Club today to get exclusive content like this as well as many other perks designed to help you create your own love story.

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