
Are we giving fast enough? Donor-advised funds and the state of philanthropy | LIVE STREAM

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Individual and corporate charitable giving have reached record highs in recent years. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the case for a thriving philanthropic sector to support those in need and the diverse set of causes donors care about. However, charitable giving and the philanthropic sector have come under fire recently, with critics arguing that the sector inadequately serves the public good. Donor-advised funds in particular have drawn regulators’ interest and become a target of legislation, and the Supreme Court recently agreed to hear a case that will spotlight California’s challenges to donor privacy.

Join us for a discussion on the state of philanthropy in 2021, featuring AEI’s Naomi Schaefer Riley and Howard Husock and Boston College Law School’s Ray D. Madoff. The participants will discuss the release of Mr. Husock’s latest report, “Appreciation in donor-advised funds: An analysis of major sponsors,” and the challenges the philanthropic community faces today.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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