
Are There Medications That Extend Longevity?

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Are There Medications That Extend Longevity?

Joel K. Kahn MD
• https://drjoelkahn.com/
• Book - The Plant-Based Solution: America’s Healthy Heart Doc’s Plan to Power Your Health

#DrJoelKahn #PlantBaseDiet #Vegan #HeartDisease

Dr Joel Kahn is a Practicing Medical Doctor, Podcaster and Author.

Dr Kahn holds a M.D. in Cardiology from University of Michigan Medical School. He is a Professor of Medicine at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine and from 1986 to 1989 took part in Interventional Cardiology Residency Program at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas.

He works as an independent Holistic Cardiologist and manages the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, ** focused on early detection and reversal of heart diseases. In addition to that, Joel is a Columnist at The Huffington Post and Readers Digest.

At his core, Dr. Joel Kahn believes that plant-based nutrition is the most powerful source of preventative medicine on the planet. Having practiced traditional cardiology since 1983, it was only after his own commitment to a plant based vegan diet that he truly began to delve into the realm of non-traditional diagnostic tools, prevention tactics and nutrition-based recovery protocols.
These ideologies led him to change his approach and focus on being a holistic cardiologist. He passionately lectures throughout the country about the health benefits of a plant-based anti-aging diet inspiring a new generation of thought leaders to think scientifically and critically about the body’s ability to heal itself through proper nutrition.

One of the world’s top cardiologists, Dr. Joel Kahn has treated thousands of acute heart attacks during his career. He’d like all that to stop. He’d like to prevent ALL future heart attacks by breaking through to the public to educate and inspire a new holistic lifestyle. Now is the time to focus on educating the public to eat clean, sweat clean and apply cutting edge science to their lifestyle.

On his podcast each week, Dr. Kahn fights for your health with his unique brand of eastern and western medicine focusing on wellness of mind, body and spirit. Each month he will interview a Health Hero and how their journey can help you find wellness, discuss with a leader in heart disease how to reverse heart disease, talk to leaders in the food movement for health, and review the science that can take you to a new level. He is known internationally as the heart doctor not afraid to take on the giants and expose lies, follies, and confusion so you know the path to feeling better, looking better, and living better.

Dr Kahn is an acclaimed author whose most recent book is Lipoprotein(a),: The Heart's Quiet Killer: A Diet and Lifestyle Guide. Leading medical professionals and best-selling authors Michael Greger, Dean Ornish, Joel Fuhrman, and David L. Katz have lauded cardiologist Joel Kahn on this breakthrough book on lipoprotein(a).

An estimated one in five people have elevated levels of a type of cholesterol called lipoprotein(a) which can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease, including blocked arteries, blood clots, and stroke.

Dr. Kahn explains how this condition is a factor of genetics rather than poor lifestyle choices, pinpoints who needs to have their levels checked, and which types of tests to request. He also shares research that shows plant-based diets in general provide the best defense against heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular disease and can play an important role in protecting individuals with elevated lipoprotein(a) levels. He has partnered with vegan expert Beverly Lynn Bennett who provides dozens of delicious, oil-free recipes that feature foods rich in the nutrients found to be the most protective for heart-health.

To Contact Dr Joel Kahn go to DrJoelKahn.com

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