
How a U.S. debt default would affect American households

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Americans will pay more to borrow money after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates another quarter point. This is the tenth hike just this year, as part of a larger effort to curb inflation. Fed Chair Jerome Powell did hint that the stream of hikes may pause -- after the collapse of three banks. This as the President and Republicans are locked in tense stalemate over another economic issue - the debt limit.

Why the Federal Reserve Controls So Much of the Economy | WSJ

What Does the Federal Reserve Do?

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The World Bank's Forecast

The End Of Free Money At The Federal Reserve

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How Presidential Elections Influence The Federal Reserve

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The Federal Reserve System | The Fed Explained

Congress Grills Top Bank Chiefs On Economy, Federal Reserve’s Interest Rate Hike

Fed Chair Jerome Powell: Economic outlook uncertain, we remain highly attentive to inflation risks

Understanding what the Federal Reserve does and why it is important for the economy

The Federal Reserve should cut rates in July: Economic expert

How The Federal Reserve Was Created

How the Federal Reserve Worked: Before the Great Recession

Trump: Federal Reserve thinks "our economy's too good"

WATCH: Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell discusses state of economy

Christopher Leonard: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy

Restarting the Economy: The Role of Banks and the Federal Reserve

How Federal Reserve leaving interest rates unchanged impacts the economy

Is the Federal Reserve Obliterating the Economy?

URGENT: Federal Reserve Cancels Recession, Prices Fall, Massive Pivot Ahead

A Secret Meeting And The Birth Of The Federal Reserve | Planet Money | NPR

Federal Reserve keeps key interest rates unchanged

The Federal Reserve is taking huge risks with hard-working Americans: Kevin Warsh

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell Remarks on the Economy

Austrian Economics versus the Federal Reserve | Patrick Newman

US Inflation Is at an Inflection Point: Economist Shepherdson

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