
Robert Lustig is a debunked Laughing Stock-Sugar Bitter Truth,FatChance,Paleo,Lose Weight Diet-#079

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Robert Lustig is Debunked. 1st he's Against sugar, then he's not. He then says Sugar is toxic, yet he's not against it. He contradicts himself. Then he claims it causes every disease. But he's not against that. He publishes videos & articles saying sugar is EVIL. Then he's not against it. Hypocrite. Then it's the problem. Then it's not. This is just 1 of numerous contradictions and hipocrisy found in the work of Dr. Robert Lustig. Lustig's material is full of errors in science, flaws, and was found to be based largely on pseudoscience. Lustig can't keep his lies and false information straight, so he continually refutes himself.

IMPORTANT: There is no Industry saying this against Robert Lustig, it is Dr. Robert Lustig himself saying these things and debunking himself. Not anyone else.

There are so many basic errors and pieces of bungled science in Robert Lustig's work, videos, speeches, and books, that Lustig is now regarded as a "laughing-stock" of nutrition and science all across the internet. Still, many unwitting people continue to believe him. Usually these are people who are less-educated in science who don't realize Lustig's work is wrong. These are often Lowcarbers, or people duped into the Atkins diet or ones who believed in the (now debunked) Paleo diet. For Lustig, these are the people he knows he can easily dupe. These use what they want to believe, rather than actual facts and science. Sugar makes an easy target, for those who don't know humans evolved to use it. Robert Lustig earns money from the sales of his would-be weight loss diet book "Fat Chance". However he fails to disclose that. Lustig gives talks saying he is getting No money for his work, yet he was discovered to be lying. Lustig maintains a financial conflict-of-interest. Lustig stands to generate substantial Financial Gain in the form of sales of his weightloss books. So it is in his own interest in order to continue churning out flawed studies that continue to support his unsubstantiated claims. However his main enemy is himself. No other entity or person needs to do anything, because Robert Lustig continually debunks himself. These are his own words. He states one thing, then states another. He makes basic errors in science that a school child would know are wrong. This is hardly expected from a man who is reputed to be an Obesity expert, and even hired to oversee helping children. He claims to have the answer to the world's Obesity problem, yet Dr. Robert Lustig is fat himself! Robert Lustig doesn't eat sugar. Yet he himself is still fat. If he stopped engesting sugar and he is still fat, sugar was Not the problem, so Robert Lustig is his own walking billboard for being a hypocrite. Every time he speaks claiming sugar is the cause of the world's obesity, and he remains obese himself, he debunks himself and all of his work. Robert Lustig is an obese weight loss diet scammer and is now classified as scientifically debunked.

Type 2, Sucrose, Glucose, Carbohydrates, Vegan, Vegetarian, Lowcarb, Low-carb, Paleo, Caveman, grass-fed beef, unprocessed, paleolithic, ancestral health, symposium, lchf, hflc, hclf, high-fat, fruit juices, high fructose corn syrup, triglycerides, type II, family history, treat, treatment, obesity, fats, omega3, dha, Sugar the Bitter Truth, book, author, amazon, BBC the men who made us fat, is fructose bad, sugar does not cause diabetes, processed food, calories, Gary Taubes, Why He Got Fat, Why we get fat, Big fat lie, New York Times Best-Seller, Atkins diet, best diet for diabetes, glycemic index, lowest glycemic index foods, sugar is toxic, adult onset, insulin, pancreatic, pasture-raised, organic, glucose uptake, beta cells, Robert H. Lustig, M.D., neuroendocrinology, professor, clinical pediatrics, benioff childrens hospital, endocrinologist, The Institute for Responsible Nutrition, obesity task force, Institute for Health Policy Studies, Univ of California, Anthony Colpo, cholesterol, denialism, type 1, TOFI, nonessential, non-essential, eating sugar, weight loss, lose weight, myths, factcheck, childhood obesity, flawed, failed, celiac disease, does eating too much sugar cause diabetes, is sugar linked to diabetes, leptin, ghrelin, ketosis, keto-acidosis, DASH diet, high glycemic load, lactose, ribose, galactose, dextrose, milk, maltose, deoxyribose, DNA, satiety, LDL, HDL, apo-b, apo-lipoprotein-b, metabolic syndrome, monosaccharide, disaccharide, dietary fiber, lectins, anti-nutrients, phytates, The fallacies of fat, john sievenpiper, consumption, experts, primitive-nutrition, plantpositive, peer-reviewed, pubmed, scholar, ncbi, pubmed, journal, JAMA, diabetes care, St. Michaels hospital, quacks, john durant, livinlavidalowcarb, llvlc, jimmy moore, authority-nutrition, kris gunnars, joseph mercola, NPR, PBS, sally fallon, weston a price foundation, mark sisson, robb wolf, loren cordain, greg glassman, william davis, wheat-belly, david perlmutter, grain-brain, Denise Minger

Fact-Check:Errors found in Robert Lustig's Sugar Bitter Truth-Fructose,Fat-Loss,Paleo,Low-Carb,Diets

FACTCHECK:Sugar Causes Diabetes?+Robert Lustig Bitter Truth? Fructose?-LowCarb,Crossft,Paleo Diet?

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