
蕾絲蛋捲,免模具在家輕鬆做蛋捲!Lace Egg Roll Cookies

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(1) 將烤箱預熱至150°C。將奶油隔著熱水拌勻至完全融化。

(2) 準備攪拌盆,放入雞蛋、糖及融化的奶油拌勻,再將麵粉過篩至盆中並拌勻。

(3) 準備長筒容器,放入擠花袋,再倒入麵糊。將擠花袋的尾端打結,並於開口端剪出細微的孔洞。

(4) 小火加熱不沾鍋(不需抹油),將麵糊以畫圈的方式擠入鍋中,圓圈保持細緻及均勻。

(5) 待蛋捲皮的表面微乾時(只需煎單面、下鍋後約10-20秒),即可起鍋,並立即趁熱捲起。

(6) 將蛋捲放入已預熱的烤箱中,以150°C烘烤至酥脆,約20-30分鐘(時間隨烤箱機型及蛋捲厚度調整)。蛋捲出爐後,盡快食用,以避免接觸冷空氣後軟化。
3 medium eggs(170g), 100g cake flour or all-purpose flour, 40g sugar, 40g unsalted butter

(1) Preheat the oven to 150°C.  Melt the butter over warm water.

(2) Add in eggs, sugar and melted butter in a mixing bowl, the mix well. Sift the flour in the mixing bowl, then mix well.

(3) Put the batter into pastry bag.  Heat the nonstick pan over low heat, without oil. Pipe the batter on the pan evenly.

(4) Pan-fry the batter until cooked, around 10 to 20 seconds. Transfer the egg pancake to cutting board, roll the egg pancake immediately.

(5) Place the egg rolls on baking tray. Bake the egg rolls at 150°C until crispy, around 20 to 30 minutes. Egg roll cookies are best consumed as soon as possible. Enjoy!
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Cookbook (食譜書) : http://bit.ly/2Jgx830
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