
50 books to stronger smarter and make more money #booktube

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5o books

The benefits of reading and why I read 

Reading is literally Exercise for the brain

You lower depression

You lower stress

You think clearer

You make better decisions

You Improve your over all brain health

Increase your vocabulary 

Increase your ability to speak better

The more you read the stronger your brain becomes.

In addition to physical books, I have ebooks, i kindle books, audio books,

I listen to podcasts, I am always learning.

I go to the library 

I come from a family of creatives and highly intelligent people.

The women tend to be the smartest much like the Simpsons for those who get the reference.

So over the next few weeks I am going to be doing workouts with book summaries over the video.

So it might be a chest workout but instead of talking about the workout I am going to be going over what  I took away from whatever book is posted in the title.

There will also be a subsequent review of the book on my website.

One reason I am doing this is because I feel a lot of people fake  read.

I read I take notes, my fiancé is an avid reader, and I literally  have a pile of books in every room except the kitchen and bathroom.

Here's two notebooks that I filled to the brim with notes and random books I own.

I prefer self development books because I am a trainer it's important that I am able to speak life into my clients.

And different books give you different tools to do so.

For me books are like albums, when I like a particular author I pour through and scour their catalogs.

It's easier to pick up information when it's from the same source

Sometimes an older book might be antiquated and no longer relevant 

It's nothing like having the aux cord moment but with a book.

It's builds a theme and better frame of reference 

So today's books will be from the works  of some of my favorite authors

Shout out to kanye most of my authors featured happen to be Jewish.

Over all Prepare for a content dump.

Outside of full length book reviews, I'm doing 1 min, 5min videos and shorts for the books as well.

My primary reason for doing this is because a lot of people lie about reading books.

But what I am going to do is give you all free cliff notes and take aways from each book.

That way you get a better idea of what books and authors you may like.

I picked the same authors for the books I am listing out for you today I purposely tried to avoid cliche books as much ad possible.

Things like how to win friends and influence people thats corny and everyone's go to answer.

So I wanted to outside of a few exceptions avoid that.

Brian Tracy ( easy self development)

Change you're thinking change your life

Eat that frog

Focal point


Tony Robbins (self development)

Unlimited power

Awaken the giant within

Money master the game

Robert Greene (understand people better)

Art of seduction

33 strategies of war


Laws of human nature

48 powers of law

Seth Godin (marketing with commonsense)


Permission marketing


The practice

Icarus deception

The purple cow

John C Maxwell (leadership)

Thinkers edge

Failing forward

Today matters

The self aware leader

Everyone communicates few connect

Robert A Johnson (psychology)





Inner gold

Owning your own shadow

Spencer Johnson (leadership and self development)

Who moved my cheese

Out of the maze

Peaks and valleys

Robert kyosaki (understanding money)


Rich dad poor dad

Raymond Charles barker (develop clear thinking)

The power of decision 

Napoleon Hill (overcoming self doubt)

Think and grow rich

Outwitting the devil

Steven pressfield ( entrepreneurial motivation)

Put your ass where your heart is

War on art

Ben greenfield (health bio hacking)


Dave Asprey (health bio hacking)

Fast this way

Super human

Ryan holidays (a modern day less cynical robert  greene)

Ego is the enemy

Obstacle is the way

Stillness is key

Trust me I'm lying

Growth hacker marketing

Courage is calling

Tim ferris (encyclopedias of information and interviews for industry Giants)

Tribe of mentors

Tools of titans

develop self awareness leg day workout
increase ankle mobility
4 arm exercises

I'm excited to post my content on here, in the meantime follow me across the web. Here is a list of my various social media.





Book shopping with my teen

Book Hack #shorts

5 Simple Hacks To Read Like A CEO (60 books per year)

I found out what the most popular BOOKS of all time are 😳📖

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