
USA - US Elections / Pence accepts Trump running mate offer / Jubilation on RNC Floor as Trump Gets

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(16 Nov 2016) "Donald Trump introduced Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate on July 16th 2016, calling him ""my partner in this campaign"" and his first choice to join him on the Republican presidential ticket.
The joint appearance at a midtown Manhattan hotel was choreographed to try to catapult the party toward a successful and unified Republican National Convention, which kicks off in Cleveland on July 17th.
Republican officials were overwhelmingly positive in their reaction to Trump's selection of Pence.
Pence, whose calm demeanor forms a marked counterpoint to the fiery Trump, was chosen in part to ease concerns in some GOP corners about the billionaire's impulsive style and lack of political experience.
A steady conservative with extensive governing experience, Pence may also serve to reassure Republicans who are sceptical about Trump's conservative bona fides.

Cheers of excitement erupted on the Republican convention floor July 19th as Donald Trump officially won the GOP nomination.
Trump was put over the top by his home state of New York. Four of his children joined the state's delegation on the convention floor for the historic moment and appeared overwhelmed with emotion.
One of Trump's sons - Eric Trump - called the moment ""a very special time"" for the family, noting that the billionaire businessman has only been a politician for about a year.
Other high profile Republicans, from former New York City Mayor Rudi Giuliani to Rep. Peter King, also celebrated Trump's official win, saying despite reports to the contrary, the party is united around and excited about their nominee.
Trump's campaign hoped the formal nomination would both end the discord surging through the Republican Party and overshadow the convention's chaotic kickoff, including a plagiarism charge involving Melania Trump's address on opening night.
The four-day convention is Trump's highest-profile opportunity to convince voters that he's better suited for the presidency than Clinton, who will be nominated at the following week's Democratic gathering.

Anti-Donald Trump protesters marched through Cleveland on the fourth and final day of the Republican National Convention.
The event July 21st, starting at Hope Memorial Bridge, was one of two rallies opposing the Republican presidential candidate scheduled for the day.
Dozens of people chanted ""Love Trumps Hate"" and carried signs that said ""Ban All Trumps Not Muslims.""
Numerous police officers were present including some who positioned themselves between the marchers and a few conservative religious counter-protesters.
Police say 23 people have been arrested this week, including 18 during a melee near the convention hall Wednesday that started when a protester tried to burn an American flag.

Hillary Clinton and running mate Tim Kaine took the stage July23rd for their first public campaign event, cheered by a boisterous Miami crowd in the crucial battleground state of Florida in advance of the following week's Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
The day after Clinton chose the Virginia senator as her vice-presidential running mate, the pair waved as they appeared before thronged supporters at Florida International University.
The bilingual Kaine was primed to show off his facility in Spanish, an asset that may prove useful among Latino voters in the wake of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's harsh rhetoric about immigrants and vows to build a wall along the southern U.S.-Mexico border to stem the flow of illegal immigration.









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