
Erdogan and the media: Do most Turks even care? | The Listening Post (lead)

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When Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered his re-election victory speech last week - he spoke of "one nation, one flag, one state". He could have taken it a step further and talked about one media and one voice - his own. Because that's the way the election campaign was covered.

The main state-owned TV channel TRT acted as if it was state-run; and privately-owned broadcasters weren't much better.

One might ask, what actually constitutes critical coverage, or the opposite, a lack of objective analysis. The latter may be defined by TRT's apparent priorities throughout the month leading to the election, devoting 67 hours of airtime to President Erdogan and less than seven hours to rival Muharrem Ince.

Listening Post - Turkey: The media sub-plot

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