
Ayurveda + Digestion 101: The 3 Steps to Feeling Great After Eating | John Douillard's LifeSpa

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Ayurveda + Digestion 101: The 3 Steps to Feeling Great After Eating | John Douillard's LifeSpa

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Learn the three stages of Ayurvedic digestion, how to assess your agni + fix your food coma, gas, and bloating with these simple tips and helpful herbs for digestive health.

According to Ayurveda, gas, bloating, belching, burning, unhealthy weight gain, food intolerances, and issues with elimination—which affect 74% of the American population—may be due to an incompletion of the three Ayurvedic stages of digestion. If each stage is interrupted by eating unwholesome foods; eating too quickly, while stressed, or on the run; or eating too slowly, a variety of indigestion symptoms related to ama, or undigested food, can ensue. Step one in restoring digestive health is to support each of the three stages of digestion.

Hormesis for Digestion + Longevity: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger -- https://lifespa.com/hormesis-digestion-longevity/
Ayurvedic Pulse Reading eCourse -- https://lifespa.com/ayurvedic-pulse-reading
Amalaki and Chyawanprash for Vitality, Longevity, and Digestion -- https://lifespa.com/longevity-the-ayurvedic-secret

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