
The Master - 2012 Trailer

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The Master - 2012

Category/Genre: Drama

Plot/Description of the movie: Following his discharge from the US Navy after WWII, Freddie Quell is having difficulties adjusting to non-military life partly due to his war experiences in the tropics. He has a violent temper. He is obsessed with sex, which is partly why he can't and won't commit to his teenaged girlfriend, Doris Solstad. And he is an alcoholic, drinking primarily concoctions he creates himself with dangerous ingredients. It is these factors in combination that lead to him being fired from one job after another, from department store portrait photographer to cabbage picker. Wandering one night in 1950 while drunk, he stumbles upon a yacht being used by Lancaster and Peggy Dodd, the yacht aboard which their daughter Elizabeth will get married. Feeling a connection to the stranger, Lancaster invites Freddie to stay aboard to work. In addition to that work, Lancaster indoctrinates him into his cult, named the Cause, which purports to do things as varied as cure serious maladies and create world peace....

Star/Cast: Philip Seymour Hoffman,Joaquin Phoenix,Amy Adams

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

Writer: Paul Thomas Anderson

Almiramd Bookmark: NF (Not Appropriate for FAMILY)

Almiramd Code: N,P,S

Awards/Oscars: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ2NjQ5MzMwMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjczNTAzOA@@._V1_SX300.jpg - Nominated for 3 Oscars.

Unforgettable/Top Rated: Nominated for 3 Oscars.

MPAA Rating: R

Released on:

Runtime: Drama

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