
How does the system of organ transplantation work?

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This video discusses the system of organ transplantation following the death of a patient with a focus on liver transplantation. It gives a brief outline of some of the major events associated with organ donation and outlines what the family of donors and donor recipients may experience. This video is for informational purposes only. Its goal is to familiarize and prepare families and patients with the process of donating an organ.

Video by Noor Al-Switi, Owais Mian, Kailey Veitch, Muhammed Aydin and Aneesha Ghosh

Copyright McMaster University 2016

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Mourning families increasingly blocking organ donations of loved ones | Toronto Star [Internet]. thestar.com. [cited 2016 Oct 17]. Available from: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2016/06/16/mourning-families-increasingly-blocking-organdonations-of-loved-ones.html

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Trillium Gift of Life Network - Ontario's Organ and Tissue Donation Agency : Public Reporting. 2016. Retrieved October 14, 2016, fromhttp://www.giftoflife.on.ca/en/publicreporting.htm

When family vetoes your organ-donation wishes [Internet]. The Globe and Mail. [cited 2016 Oct 17]. Available from:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health-and-fitness/health/when-family-vetoesyour-organ-donation-wishes/article18193449/

Liver Transplant Surgery | Living-Donor - UT Southwestern Medical Center.

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Liver Transplant | Cincinnati Children's

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Liver Transplant Surgery - UT Southwestern Medical Center

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