
Demonstration of Healing Lifelong Despair and Self Loathing with the Lightworkers Healing Method

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Lynn McGonagill, the Founder and Teaching Channel of the Lightworkers Healing Method, facilitated the healing session in this video and leads all the classes of this curriculum. In Lynn's words:

Dear friends, sometimes students in the classes get scared when observing an intense healing demonstration such as this one. They think something along the lines of, "Whoa. Too much for me. I have enough pain in my life already. I don't need to open up to more pain."
The missing piece of this puzzle is how it feels to be the healing vessel for Angelically Guided Energy Healing. IT FEELS WONDERFUL to facilitate Lightworkers Healing Method sessions. In a recent case study, a student expressed it this way: "I feel more intense happiness and joy than I've ever felt. It's so so wonderful."

Dear friends, facilitating the Lightworkers Healing Method has the fascinating side effect of creating joy in the healers' lives - of course, in the healing sessions themselves, but also at bizarrely normal times. When walking down a grocery store aisle, pumping gas, or sweeping the floor, we can find ourselves literally crying with JOY. Scientists are now studying our brains to discover what precisely is occurring, and that part takes time - but my friends, the JOY is REAL, and it's available to all of us, right now. We don't have to wait for the scientific analysis before we take action. We can move forward now. They'll catch up eventually.

Friends, our world is in serious trouble. It needs help now, not later. This is a teachable, learnable skill, not a gift. You can learn it too. There's a freely shared 77-minute Introductory class on our website. The home page has a link directly to it. Will you join us?

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