
Byzantium Before the Rise of Constantine (Eastern Rome Summarized I)

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In this video I try my best to summarize some key events in the city state of Byzantium before it became the legendary city of Constantinople. I am trying to make a video series on the history of the Eastern Roman Empire so if you enjoyed this one, please consider subscribing to the channel.

This is my first attempt at making this type of video so I am aware some parts would seem laggy. I promise the next video about Constantine would be in a higher quality.

Thank you for your time!

Background music: Jesper Kyd - Byzantium (Assassin's Creed Revelations full soundtrack)

The rise and fall of the Byzantine Empire - Leonora Neville

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The Rise And Fall of The Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire Documentary)

11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans (Part 1 of 2)

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11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans

The Life of Emperor Justinian - Vol 1-9 - The History of Byzantium

History of the Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire

Fall of The Roman Empire...in the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12

The Fall of the Byzantine Empire — History Summarized

Revival of the Medieval Roman Empire - Byzantine Reconquista DOCUMENTARY

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11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans (Part 2 of 2)

Eastern Roman Empire: Why So Many Civil Wars? DOCUMENTARY

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Strategikon - Army Manual of the Eastern Roman Empire

The Senate of Constantinople: The History of the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Senate.

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