
10 Mysterious Recent Archaeological Discoveries!

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From a stolen hoard of coins to an ancient statue filled with human remains, here are 10 mysterious archaeological discoveries!!

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10. Strange Skeleton
While excavating at the site of a planned development in Hertfordshire, U.K., archaeologists discovered a skeleton with outstretched legs, leaning against the side of a six-and-a-half foot (2 meters) deep pit.

9. Lizard With A Built-In Float
According to a new study by an international team of Chinese and Canadian scientists, a recently-discovered Triassic predator dubbed Brevicaudosaurus jiyangshanensis had a short, flat tail that acted as a built-in float!

8. Headless Buddha
During recent renovations on an apartment complex in the city of Chongqing in southwestern China, workers discovered a 30-foot (9.1 meters) tall religious statue hidden behind a thick wall of foliage.

7. Alien Artifacts In Mexico
Back in 1999, an alleged former Mexican military doctor turned explorer named Dr. Pablo Enrique García Sánchez camped in the high desert of the state of Jalisco, a sparsely populated region he had traveled to to escape the stress of daily life.

6. Prehistoric Baboon Skull
The whole world admires the Ancient Egyptians, but where did they come from? According to legend, the Egyptians spoke of their seemingly mythical place of origin called the Land of Punt.

5. Stolen Coins
A recent joint investigation between French and Belgian officials procured a massive hoard of 27,400 allegedly stolen Roman coins, jewelry, and artifacts worth an estimated $1 million!!

4. Message In A Bottle
A Boston, Massachusetts resident recently found a folded handwritten message inside an old rye whiskey bottle hidden between their fireplace and wall, and its meaning is a lingering mystery.

3. Lady Of Baza
In 1971, a worker struck something hard while excavating Cerra del Santuario, a pre-Roman settlement in southern Spain, near the modern-day city of Baza. It was a four-foot (1.2 meters) tall funerary statue of a woman dating back nearly 2,500 years.

2. Mammal Among Dinosaurs
Around 66 million years ago on the supercontinent of Gondwana, which encompassed modern-day Africa, South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula -- a strange mammal roamed alongside the dinosaurs.

1. Mystery Woman
When Irish camera collector William Fagan purchased a vintage Leica camera in 2015, he found an undeveloped roll of film inside. He finally got around to developing what he could of it, resulting in 22 photos featuring a beautiful young woman posing on a deserted street in northern Italy, in a mid-1930s BMW Cabriolet in Switzerland, beside a lake somewhere, and in a handful of other pretty scenes and European destinations.

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