
010: Pat Flynn - Building a Wildly Successful Online Business -- Overcoming Resistance and Fear

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Pat Flynn from SmartPassiveIncome.com

Pat talks about how he built his business after being laid off. Overcoming self doubt, fear and resistance to become a major influence in the online marketing community, inspiring MILLIONS and still building!

Have a listen to my chat with Pat
See highlights and links from of our chat below...
Check out the transcript or download it to read later: ENJOY!
Podcast Highlights:

• How it All Began: Getting laid off was the beginning of this incredible journey.
"And the layoff which was the worst moment of my life or one of the worst moments of my life, actually ended up turning out to be the best moment or the best thing that it could ever happen."

• Pat's earliest online business inspiration came from podcast = Internet Business Mastery -- The episode that got him thinking featured; Cornelius Fichtner who was talking about how he was making a living online teaching people how to pass the project management exam or the PM exam. And he was doing this through a paid podcast and through eBooks that he was writing and things like that.

• This was a real aha moment because actually when he was still working architecture, He had created website to help himself and a couple of co-workers pass the lead exam which is an exam that architects and people in that industry take.

• In October 2008 Pat wrote a study guide, an eBook, which in the first month generated $7,908.55 It was right about that time that Pat decided to create SmartPassiveIncome.com

• Until that time, what Pat thought about internet marketing was that it was scammy but he soon came to realize you could indeed make a living online helping people find the answers they need to the problems they're having?

• The Give, Give , Give Business Model "And over time that's just what I've learned. This business model of, you know, you give, you get more back in return and the more I gave, the more I get back. And that's why I always have my audience at the forefront of why I do what I do. And it just seems like the more I help them out, the more I get paid back in return. It's a beautiful thing."

Bumps in the Road
• Cease and desist from the lawyers representing: United States Green Building Council asking that Pat stop using the trademark term www.intheLEED.com in his name. What he thought was the end of his new business turned out to be a case of just having to change the domain name to: GreenExamAcademy.com

• Other bumps include:
Realizing not ALL ideas for creating a website will be successful.
Always carefully interview your overseas contractors BEFORE agreeing to pay them to build a software product for you.
And these are just a few... Pat warns that building a successful online business was not without MANY OTHER bumps in the road.

• Head Trash, Negative Internal Talk & Resistance
Throughout his journey and to this day, Pat has had to deal with feelings of self doubt and negative thoughts. These things never completely go away; you just learn to get better at recognizing and dealing with them.

• Great Book on dealing with creative demons = The War of Art by Steve Pressfield
Deal with all of the negative elements (Resistance) that keep us from doing and achieving great things.

• Feeling resistance can mean you are about to do something that could be a game changer for you or someone else. Move ahead despite the fear, because you never know who may benefit from what you are about to say or do.

• You never know who's life you may touch or who you may be helping... You have to listen to the story about Michael from Poland "From the wheel chair to the marathon finish line."

• On sharing personal/family life to bring the human side into his business. " I try to do what I can to be personable and to share things about myself that will help me connect with my audience."

• One awesome key element of success....
Providing quick wins and solutions to problems
Hear more on the psychology of quick wins

• Serious Question -- Does Pat Flynn really feel like he's made it?
Yes and No?

• The importance of Mastermind Groups -- Hint: Pat currently belongs to three

• Being physically fit to GET STUFF DONE: Pat takes this advice from Sir Richard Branson

• Being known as the guy that ALWAYS GIVES AWAY all this good stuff AND then offering a PAID product to his audience can cause some folks to question whether you've sold out. Pat talks about this in detail and his insights on folks that accuse him of selling out.

Pat Flynn really and truly cares about his audience... and a lot of what he does and teaches is in response to his audience and what they want and need at a particular time....

Pat Flynn really is one HELLUVA GUY! He totally deserves every bit of the success he has achieved and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to speak with him and have him share with me as he did.
Thanks Bro!
More http://bigvaluebigbusiness.com/episode10

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