
See what three degrees of global warming looks like

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If global temperatures rise three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the results would be catastrophic. It’s an entirely plausible scenario, and this film shows you what it would look like.

00:00 - What will a 3°C world look like?
00:57 - Climate change is already having devastating effects
02:58 - How climate modelling works
04:06 - Nowhere is safe from global warming
05:20 - The impact of prolonged droughts
08:24 - Rising sea levels, storm surges and flooding
10:27 - Extreme heat and wet-bulb temperatures
12:51 - Increased migration and conflict
14:26 - Adaptation and mitigation are crucial

Read our briefing about a three degree world: https://econ.st/3nJiXYS

View all of The Economist’s climate change coverage: https://econ.st/3b1RwU2

Sign up to our climate change newsletter: https://econ.st/3b1dtCQ

Listen to our new climate podcast, “To a Lesser Degree”: https://econ.st/3b1RuLU

Read our special report on stabilising the climate: https://econ.st/3nw6CXK

Listen to an episode of “The Intelligence” podcast about a 3°C world: https://econ.st/2Zw3Utv

What would different levels of global warming look like? https://econ.st/2ZBsZDb

How climate modelling works: https://econ.st/3jNmlAN

Read about the IPCC’s starkest warning yet about climate change: https://econ.st/3nxagk6

What to look out for at COP26: https://econ.st/2ZHngeZ

Why the COP26 climate summit will be both crucial and disappointing: https://econ.st/3Gvvibz

Broken promises, energy shortages and covid-19 will hamper COP26: https://econ.st/3EnDBnU

Why damage from climate change will be widespread and sometimes surprising: https://econ.st/3Et40kq

Children born today are likely to face seven times more extreme weather events than their grandparents: https://econ.st/3GyuXEO

How to prepare for rising sea levels: https://econ.st/3EmtO1t

Podcast: The growing risk of deadly heatwaves: https://econ.st/3nFWFH8

The danger posed by heatwaves needs to be taken more seriously: https://econ.st/3k7SbZd

What if firms were forced to pay for frying the planet: https://econ.st/3nGpseT

See what three degrees of global warming looks like

Climate Change climate climate change,global warming,sea level rise, earth in the future, sea level

Climate Change climate change,global warming,sea level rise,earth in the future,sea level

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