
16 BC | Caesar’s Wayward Daughter

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The rapid rise of Caesar’s daughter, Julia Augusti Filia, finds the once-controlled child in a conflict of interest with her father.

EDIT: At approximately 45 seconds we made an error. Instead of “Treaty of Tarentum,” the scroll should read “Treaty of Misenum.” We apologize for the mistake.

The Roman Republic | Radical History

60 BC | Caesar, Pompey, Crassus - The First Triumvirate

43 BC | Pedian Law

55 BC | Dividing an Empire

29-28 BC | Becoming August

Rome 120 - 107 BC | The Rise of Gaius Marius

88 BC | Young Caesar’s City

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17 - 14 BC | Marcus Agrippa - The Second Man in Rome

69 BC | Caesar: Gods and Kings

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39 BC | Politics of Marriage

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44 BC | Marcus Antonius Counters

43 BC | Livia Drusilla: Poor Little Rich Girl

Rome 87 - 86 BC | Marius Returns

Rome 88 BC | Young Caesar’s City

44 BC | The Race

53 BC | Irreparable Damage

27 - 14 BC | The Praetorian Guard

38 - 19 BC | Livia Drusilla: Imperial Mother

74 - 73 BC | Caesar Kidnapped!

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