
5 Kick Options to Add to Techniques

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Clips of several types of optional kicks (also a few from other martial arts) to add to
your self-defense repertoire.

For training:

For Instructional DVD's:

Kicks for Defense and Distraction - The Dojo Martial Arts

Martial Arts Questions Answered - The Dojo Ninjutsu

Todd Norcross on Stephen K. Hayes and the 80's Ninja training.

Subtle Leg Placement Defenses and Kicking Practice at The Dojo Martial Arts

Ninja timing - When to move in to defend? The Dojo Martial Arts - Mason, Ohio

5 Kick Options to Add to Techniques

Jab and Cross Combos - The Dojo Martial Arts

The Dojo Martial Arts Demos

Muso Dori and Ura Gyaku- Sensei Todd Ryotoshi Norcross at The Dojo Mason, Ohio

The Dojo - A few Ninjutsu techniques against a clubbing attack - Ninja Martial Arts

Cross-grab self-defense option #3. The Dojo Martial Arts

Self-Defense Martial Arts Demo by Jessie at The Dojo Martial Arts


Youth Martial Arts Ninjutsu Demos and Randori at The Dojo

Striking upward when you are low

Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo - Dojo Speak - with Todd Ryotoshi Norcross

Ninja Stick Technique

Omote Gyaku Variations The Dojo - Ninjutsu Martial Arts

The Dojo Martial Arts Mason Ohio Ninjutsu

Martial Arts FAQ: 1980's Ninjutsu Training. "Where did you begin?"

Budo Class The Dojo Martial Arts Cincinnati Ohio Ninjutsu

Rear grab and punch defenses 3-5. Taijutsu Self-Defense

The Dojo Ninja Martial Arts since 2007

The Dojo Martial Arts - Cincinnati Self Defense

A few Taijutsu Strikes of Self-Defense to Practice

Punch Defense Options - The Dojo Martial Arts Samurai Ninjutsu School

Martial Arts Grab and Punch option 12

The Dojo Ninja and Samurai Self Defense Martial Arts Cincinnati Ohio

The Dojo Ninjutsu Martial Arts - Cincinnati Ohio

Youth learning on particular kick at The Dojo Martial Arts - Mason, Ohio

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