
5 reasons sigma females reject alpha males

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1. Aggressiveness.
Sigma females don’t like aggressive men. They don’t like a man who will treat them like a subordinate instead of an equal partner. They don’t like alpha men because they are self-centred and lack compassion for the weak. Even though most women find the aggressive nature of alpha men attractive. Evidence from recent research studies are suggesting the contrary. Women now prefer aggressive men for short term relationships and less aggressive men for long term relationships. The reason why alpha men have many casual relationships and are increasingly finding it hard by the day to commit to one woman. The study also found out that women in their fertile period preferred aggressive men, a phenomenon that relates more to survival than gratification. Sigma females want a man that has a tough mind and not a tough attitude. A man with a big generous heart and not a self-centred crafty man. Some alpha males are going about the “be aggressiveness thing on the internet” the wrong way. They think that be rude, arrogant, intimidating, imposing, and authoritative is how to be aggressive.
#Sigmafemale #sigmamale #alphamale

315. 7 words you should never use on sigma females: https://youtu.be/W2sGwiuYQxg

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