
How Do You Balance Your Hormones? What Is Normal?

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Double board certified OBGYN and REI, Dr. Natalie Crawford, discusses your hormones and what it means for them to be balanced. When people talk about balancing their hormones, it often stems from a place of misinformation. It’s important for you to understand what is normal, and what is not. If you want to learn more about your hormones and how they change throughout your cycle, this video is for you.

Questions Answered:
What does it mean to have balanced hormones?
How does birth control affect your hormones?
What is ovarian reserve and how is it tested?
What is estradiol?
What is FSH?
What hormone levels are normal in each phase of the menstrual cycle?
What is the follicular phase?
What happens during ovulation?
What is the corpus luteum?
What is the luteal phase?
What is progesterone?
What happens to your hormones when you get pregnant?
What is HCG?
What happens if you don’t get pregnant?
How are your hormones different if you have PCOS?
What is estrogen dominance?
How can people with PCOS manage their symptoms?
How can taking progesterone benefit those with PCOS?
When should each hormone be tested?

Learn more about your body, hormones, and TTC in my course!
Fertility doctor, Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.

Blog: nataliecrawfordmd.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nataliecrawfordmd/?hl=en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nataliecrawfordmd
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ncrawfordmd?lang=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nataliecrawfordmd/
Email: hello@nataliecrawfordmd.com

715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705
To become a patient: email info@forafertilityaustin.com or call 512-956-5006

Listen to the AS A WOMAN PODCAST here:
ITUNES: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/as-a-woman/id1449553339
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