
God's Note (A Poem I Turned Into A Song)

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When you don't like to talk to people you tend to talk to yourself and when you talk to yourself alone GOD listens. My mission is very clear and Mental Health has always been my biggest topic. I know how it is to be there with no escape. Not everybody knows or understands because they can cope with problems in a different way. We are different. Keep your Mental Health strong because without it, you really don't have nothing.......NOT EVEN YOURSELF. I want to help you find a way to reattach back into this world. Get outta that dark place. Some wouldn't understand and some are going to laugh but its a very real topic that can consume the most strongest souls. I've watch it destroy people which caused them to end their life. I've watched it lurk it the shadows because you can't escape. They say music is therapy, its what works for me. I want to help you find what works for you. You are not alone in this fight. I have been there and i have experienced the horrors that come with this evil. I am still not cured and I will never be cured because i know at any given moment these Demons can return. Keep your Mental Helath strong don't get consumed by your thoughts.
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