
STGEC ~ SIA08: Lewy Body Dementia (2008)

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San Antonio/June, 2008 - Summer Institute in Aging: Geriatric Psychiatrist Jason E. Schillerstrom, MD [Professor/Physician, UTHSCSA] on "LBD/DLB: Dementia and Lewy Bodies" | Continuing Education enduring materials courtesy of the South Texas Geriatric Education Center (STGEC) at the St. George Catholic Church and Maronite Center in NW San Antonio, TX, USA.

'LBDefinition': Lewy Body Dementia, also known as dementia with Lewy bodies, is the second most common type of progressive dementia after Alzheimer's disease dementia. Protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, develop in nerve cells in the brain regions involved in thinking, memory and movement (motor control). {From the Mayo Clinic}

~ For Optimal Mental & Physical Health as You Age Get the Proper...
...Quantity of Quality Sleep (so needed yet so neglected -- naps are A-OK too)
...Flavor of Diet & Nutrition (more natural avocados & quinoa and less processed orange juice & kiddie cereals)
...Sum of Physical Exercise (at least walk for cardio and lift anything for weight bearing)
...Sum of Mental Exercise (challenging enough for creating new neurons & 'cognitive reserve')
...Ounces of H2O Hydration (so needed yet so neglected -- and so easy & cheap to fix)
...Amount of Social Interaction (churchgoers, married couples and pet-owners often live longer)
...Control of Your Stress (adopt a 'bring it on' mentality while banishing negativity in favor of compassion)
...Gross of Optometry and Dental Visitations (eyes and mouth are windows to heart, brain and other health)

Securing more geriatric education videos on topics ranging from dementia and diabetes to caregiving and cardiology is as easy as perusing this enduring materials channel until you find what you need.

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Information can and will change so always consult your own medico-legal-spiritual advisers/providers for actionable intel.

Financed by Bush and Obama Administration HHS grants to the disparate GECs.

#Dementia #LewyBodyDementia #LBD #Psychiatry #Alzheimers #AlzheimersDisease #AlzheimersAssociation #ElderlyCare #Caregiver #Caregivers #Caregiving #Caring #CaringForTheCaregiver #SeniorCare #Care #PersonalCare #Family #Familia #Aging #CareWorker #Elderly #Seniors #SocialCare #HealthCare #HomeCare #Health #MentalHealth #Seniorliving #RetirementHome #AssistedLiving #DomesticCare #BestCareHome #OldPeople #Senile #Trump #CE #CME #UT #VA #DVA #UTHSCSA #UTHSA #STGEC #GEC #AD #AA #MCI #VD #PD #UTI #TX

Original File Upload: SIA08Jason1-1920x1080.mp4 {HD]

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