
How Fast Fashion Contributes to Modern Day Slavery

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What are some of the ugly truths about the fashion industry? Did you know that some luxury retailers would rather burn leftover stock than sell it at a discount? Or that the clothes you donate often just end up in a landfill? Find out about all this and more in this video!

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8 - Donated Clothes
With fast fashion, Americans are throwing away more clothes than ever. In less than 20 years, the volume of clothing Americans toss each year has doubled from 7 million to 14 million tons!

7 - Fragrances
Fragrances have always been considered a luxury product. What exactly is it that make parfums and colognes it so pricey? Three things influence the price of perfume: ingredients, marketing, and packaging.

6 - Outlets
What’s better than saving money? Probably only making money! Outlets let you get your favorite designers for cheap and also discover trends you missed last season. Or so you think! Most people believe they’re finding hidden treasure.

5 - It’s called Fashion
Fast fashion retailers are constantly turning over their merchandise, introducing ever-trendier clothing and feeding their customers' desire for new things. And that’s pretty much the exact reason why Lottery winners go broke.

4 - Falling Apart
And that poor quality? It’s planned of course! Planned obsolescence is a common tactic for electronics. They’re not the only industry that does this! Research suggests that a similar process takes place within the mass-produced clothing space.

3 - Same Designs
H&M and Zara have flourished thanks to their ability to take designs from Milan to the mass market. And high end retailers KNOW that they rip off their designs! Almost as soon as hot new designs appear on the runway, photographs and drawings of them are on their way to Chinese factories.

2 - Sweatshops
Sweatshops exist in the US? Yup! It actually happens right in the middle of LA! and these sweatshops are very busy manufacturing cheap clothes while not paying minimum wage to their workers.

1 - Unsold Stock
The fashion industry is often cited as one of the world’s worst polluters. But destroying perfectly usable merchandise in an effort to maintain prestige is probably the dirtiest secret of them all!

The Fashion Industry's DIRTY SECRET: The Truth About Greenwashing

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