
LIVE video Q & A with Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding

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The time stamps for all the questions covered during our chat have been posted below...
01:55 – An update on my tricep tear injury that I suffered two weeks ago.
03:06 – What I have to do to speed up the healing process and to prevent further injuries.
04:09 – What I'm doing to keep in shape during the injury recovery process.
Viewer Q and A:
09:09 – What are your thoughts on StrongLifts 5x5 by Mehdi?
10:23 – What are your thoughts about Creatine Monohydrate, and also Kre-Alkalyn and
12:55 – Did you have any goals in powerlifting back in the day?
13:31 – What is your best body part? Is it your back? You seem to have a lot of back build. Did you
do a lot of deadlifts to build your back? How do you use the deadlift in your split, any tips?
18:38 – ​I understand you struggled to workout and keep in shape when you had your son Harvey. Do you have advice for first-time dads who have to work full time, raise a new baby, lack sleep, lack energy, etc.?
25:59 – What do you think is the best approach for 6-10 rep range for hypertrophy going into the 3 rd
block of hypertrophy, push-pull-legs or upper-lower?
31:13 – What is your view on more is less, and less is more when doing mass building exercises?
34:39 – Someone at the gym told me, protein shakes only count when you take them after a
workout because that’s when your muscles absorb the protein. Can I still supplement other times?
NOTE: Download Lee's Free High Protein Recipe Guide at:
38:17 – What can you mix oatmeal with to get complete protein? I mean, what other carb source
oatmeal is 13 grams per 100 grams?
39:02 – Is doing 5 sets of 12 overkill? Because a lot of people do 3 sets, but for me, I feel it better
when I do 5 sets. Does it matter?
40:02 – Are you going to train your son when he is older?
42:28 – [Viewer Comments: Discussed] ​I think a lot of people should not listen to music when they
workout, when they first start and really keep their mind clear and focus on form.
44:46 – What is your opinion about one meal a day for some days and how do you count macros in
one meal a day? If you need 130 grams of protein in normal days, should you get 130 grams in one
48:30 – Can you give me some advice on stopping sugar cravings? Is it just willpower? After a meal, I
always crave sugar, cakes, chocolate, etc…
56:23 – I really hate to eat vegetables but I like to eat lots of vegetables. Can I replace vegetables
with greens powder? What are the main things I need to look into when buying greens powder?
NOTE: Top quality greens powder: Athletic Greens - ​http://www.athleticgreenspowder.com
01:00:50 – I can’t sleep more than 5-6 hours per night but when I wake up, I’m fresh. What do you
01:02:41 – Does squatting, benching and deadlifting really increase testosterone temporarily and
can it build muscle everywhere?
01:06:47 – I’m in my mid-40s, overweight, 200lbs, 5’6”. I feel so tired and heavy to workout but I
have a treadmill. How long do you advise to start on it?
01:10:06 – What are your thoughts on eating beef rare as opposed to cooking it very well done? Are
more nutrients kept in the rare and less cooked meat?
01:11:31 - ​How much fiber would you recommend for daily overall health?
01:13:08 – What do you think of canned food and ready frozen meals?
01:16:07 – It’s been 6 years since I’ve worked out and I’ve gained 100lbs, having trouble getting
back. Do you have any advice? I’m 245lbs as of now.
01:16:38 – How do you get out of a slump? I’ve lost my motivation.
01:25:51 – How can I get in touch with you for online coaching?

NOTE: if you'd like some help with a customized workout and nutrition program, just e-mail me at: leeh [at] leehayward.com


Every Friday at 3:30 PM EST Lee Hayward hosts a live video chat discussing strategies and mindsets to help men build muscle, lose fat, and get back in shape.

If you'd like to chat about your workouts, need some help with your nutrition program, or have any questions about building muscle, losing fat, injury prevention, etc...

Then tune in for our next live chat and we'll discuss some strategies that are right for you!

Regardless if you're just getting started working out, coming back to the gym after a layoff, of a seasoned lifter - we'll be covering muscle building and fat loss tips to help take your health and fitness to the next level.

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LIVE video Q & A with Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding

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