
Winston Churchill, ”We shall fight on the beaches” 06/4/1940 - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE

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June 4th, 1940 marked the final day of "Operation Dynamo," the evacuation of allied forces from Dunkirk, a MIRACLE in the face of a "colossal military disaster." The Battle of France, a 6-week blitzkrieg was ending as a rout, a near total defeat. The evacuation at Dunkirk presaged the surrender of France on June 22nd. It fell upon Churchill to temper the jubilation and relief with the stark reality of defeat and the bleak prospects of the Battle of Britain looming on the horizon.
This speech in its historical context is deservedly considered one of the greatest in world history. We must never forget that darkness looms, and our resolve to fight on despite its apparent victory is the greatest mark of a people's character.

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