
TEDx talk: 9 Ways to Innovate with VR & AR (& Why It Matters More Now Than Ever Before)

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Immersive Technologies (VR, AR, MR) are poised to revolutionize business, entertainment, education, healthcare, and more. How do we capitalize on the potential of Immersive Tech? Where do we look to understand this new technology?

In this talk, I’ll share insights based on my experiences charting new interaction paradigms and advising multinational organizations across the globe to implement immersive tech.

I hope our audience will leave this talk with an understanding that immersive tech is more than glorified film and bigger than gaming. This technology upends narrative control, unleashes mosaic perspectives, frees us to think with our full selves, and demands embodiment. Thanks to VR and AR, tiny screens that clamor for our attention will give way to objects and experiences that respond to our humanity. In “XR,” we discover that interaction can be a form of art. And when we do that, we can transform not only how humans interact with technology, but also how humans fundamentally understand the world.
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