
Root Chakra Healing Music - Let Go Worries, Anxiety, Fear - Chakra Meditation Music, Heart Chakra

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PINEAL GLAND Activation & Decalcification (9.63Hz + 963Hz) | Gamma Waves, Binaural Beats
444Hz + 528Hz | COSMIC ENTANGLEMENT | Abundance, Miracles & Positive Transformation Energy

* Chakras are defined as energy centers within the human body that help to regulate all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.

* There are seven main chakras positioned throughout your body, from the base of your spine to the crown of your head. Each chakra corresponds to specific nerve bundles and major organs, and they are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay open and aligned for optimal physical and emotional well-being

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of your spine, it’s associated with feelings of security and stability.
2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Found just below the belly button, it relates to sexual and creative energy.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Situated in the stomach area, it’s linked to confidence and self-esteem.
4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Positioned near the heart, it’s connected to love and compassion.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Located in the throat, it governs communication.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Found in the forehead, it’s related to intuition and insight.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): At the top of the head, it’s associated with spiritual connection and understanding.

+ 528Hz: Known as the transformation and deep healing frequency, it’s believed to aid in stress relief and physical well-being
+ 432Hz: Often referred to as nature’s frequency, it’s thought to be harmonious and soothing
+ 963Hz: Associated with sleep and relaxation, this frequency may help in achieving a deeper state of calm
+ 639Hz: Linked with rebalancing positive energy and fostering connections with others
+ 852Hz: Believed to assist in improving communication and mental clarity

🌞For contact and submit music: piano@heliosrecord.com
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Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

7 Chakras Full night sleep Mantra Meditation, Ambient Music,Instrumental Music,Heart Chakra, Anahata

All 7 Chakras Healing Music, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra

432Hz - 7 Chakras Mantra Meditation, Whole Body Energy Cleansing, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Balancing

432 Hz Sacral Chakra, Remove Guilt, Shame and Dependence, Balance Emotions, Aura, Emotional Healing

7 Chakras Healing Music [removes negative energy, clears the aura; improves the body] 528HZ

432Hz ACTIVATES OPEN 7 Chakras - Countless Miracles Will Happen In Your Life, body recovery, healing

432 Hz Heart Chakra, Harmonize Relationships, Attract Love, Healing, Love Meditation, Chakra Healing

432 Hz Sacral Chakra, Remove Guilt, Shame and Dependence, Balance Emotions, Aura, Emotional Healing

(528Hz) Clear Aura; Boost Positive Energy Balance 7 Chakras Chakra heals, improves the whole body

963 Hz The Most Powerful Frequency Of Universe - Countless Miracles Will Spill Throughout Your Life

432 Hz Third Eye Chakra Healing, Open Third Eye, Pineal Gland Activation, Chakra Meditation

All 7 Chakras Healing Music, Full Body Energy Cleanse, Aura Cleanse, Chakra Balancing

432Hz Remove Toxins, Throat Chakra Healing Music, Boost Immune System, Cleanse Infections

963Hz + 852Hz + 639Hz | Miracle Tones | Activate Pineal Gland | Open Third Eye | Heal Heart Chakra

SACRAL CHAKRA Meditation | Rain + Hang Drum | Expand Creativity + Emotional Balance + Sexual Healing

432 Hz Root Chakra, Remove Fear; Anxiety, Connecting Yourself to the Universe, Healing Meditation

7 Chakras Mantra Chanting Meditation | Heal Golden Chakra | Whole Body Cell Repair

528 Hz Positive Transformation, Emotional & Physical Healing, Anti Anxiety, Rebirth

432 Hz Root Chakra, Remove Fear; Anxiety, Connecting Yourself to the Universe, Healing Meditation

528 Hz Positive Transformation, Emotional & Physical Healing, Anti Anxiety, Rebirth

432 Hz Heart Chakra, Harmonize Relationships, Attract Love, Healing, Love Meditation, Chakra Healing

[Opening The 7 Chakras] Opening The Aura, Reducing Stress, Negative Anxiety Whole Body Improvement

SACRAL CHAKRA Meditation | Rain + Hang Drum | Expand Creativity + Emotional Balance + Sexual Healing

741 Hz | Vishuddha |Throat Chakra | Fifth Chakra | Meditation Chimes | Chakra Meditation Music

7 Chakras 35 minutes Healing Meditation 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚪ with Solfeggio Frequencies

Destroy Unconscious Blockages and Negativity, 396hz Solfeggio,Binaural Beats,Pineal Gland Activation

Reiki Music, Emotional; Physical Healing Music, Natural Energy, Stress Relief, Meditation Music


432 Hz Sacral Chakra, Remove Guilt, Shame and Dependence, Balance Emotions, Aura, Emotional Healing

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