
UKULELE Chords | TRIADS | Dm | MINOR Chord | Minor Triads #ukulele #ukulelelesson #ukuleletutorial

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Any combination of notes simultaneously heard can be called a CHORD, though usually incidental notes such as passing notes, appoggiaturas, and the like are not considered part of the chord.
A three-note chord consisting of a note with its third and fifth is, as above explained, known as a TRIAD (chord composed of three notes).
A triad of which the fifth is a perfect one is a Common Chord. A common chord of which the third is major is a Major Common Chord, and the one of which the third is minor is a Minor Common Chord.
A Triad with an Augmented Fifth is called an Augmented Triad and one with a Diminished Fifth is called a Diminished Triad.
The note from which a chord originates is called its ROOT; for instance, the root of the major chord C, E, G is C.

TYPES of Triads:
A minor triad (MINOR CHORD) is composed of the first, third and fifth notes of a minor scale. Root + 3 half steps + 4 half steps
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