
Oscars 2023: Polish film "EO" | Podcast

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Are you interested in Oscars? This year, in 2023, the Polish film "EO" has been nominated for an Oscar. You'll learn more about it in this episode!

TRANSKRYPCJA: https://plynniepopolsku.pl/2023/03/15/oscary-2023-polski-film-io/


📚Polish classes:


🔍How can you find me?
Instagram: @plynniepopolsku
Website: www.plynniepopolsku.pl

📧How can you contact me?
E-mail: plynniepopolsku@gmail.com

About me:
I am Anna, a passionate language teacher & polyglot. Apart from the Polish language, I also teach French and Swedish. I speak English, French, Swedish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese and I am currently learning German, Russian and Spanish.
I truly believe that anyone, regardless of age and skills, is capable of learning a foreign language and this is what I am trying to prove during each class and each YouTube video!
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